Personal Coaching for Fiction Writers

NEW! Personal Coaching!

Writing a novel is complex and requires a deep understanding of scene and novel structure. It always requires mastery in writing. Thousands of novels are published each day, but few are stellar and rise above the crowd. Writers today need to be experts at storytelling, and that takes time, practice, and intense instruction.

Due to numerous requests, I’ve put together a personal coaching package for writers who want help with their writing month after month. Here’s what makes my coaching package unique and irresistable:

  • No obligation to commit to a length of time. Most coaching packages require writers to sign up for months or a year (requiring you to invest thousands of dollars). With my coaching package you can opt in month by month and opt out anytime you like!
  • You get an hour phone consultation (value: $150), 20 pages of your writing critiqued (value: $200), and 20% off extra pages of critique and/or any material edited or proofread during that month (there will be some limitations on length, depending on my schedule and what I can fit in).

The price? Only $299 per month! In other words, you are getting a deal! This is to help writers who need personal guidance with their novel. Whether you are just starting, are partway through a draft, or have finished a first draft, getting this kind of targeted, personal help is essential. How can you know how to move forward or tell if your work is any good without a professional giving you honest, instructive feedback?

Are you stuck with your story? Are you struggling with motivation? Make me your accountability partner. Let’s get your novel done to perfection!

This is a real deal and so much more affordable than most coaching programs for writers. Take advantage of this offer, as a limited number of spaces will be available for coaching each month.

Having ongoing coaching as you plot and write your novel will give you accountability, inspiration, impetus, and encouragement to stay the course and get that novel finished!

Ready to sign up? Go enroll in my online school and sign up for Personal Coaching for Novelists. And while you’re there, don’t forget to enroll in my new online video course: Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers!

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