Why Flawed Heroes Are Essential to Modern Literature
Today’s guest post is by Joseph Macolino. Here he comes again, the perfect, flawless hero with all the strength and…
Today’s guest post is by Joseph Macolino. Here he comes again, the perfect, flawless hero with all the strength and…
Fiction readers love a great protagonist—someone who is multidimensional, dealing with lots of inner conflict, and passionate about something that…
Every scene must have a point or purpose–that should be obvious. You, the author, need to know exactly what a…
Every scene has to have a purpose. I shouldn’t need to say that, but I’ve critiqued thousands of scenes that…
How is that novel-writing going? One reason writers procrastinate is they haven’t taken the time to master the skills. If…
As we approach a new year, we often make resolutions and pressure ourselves to “get more done.” That can be…
Get ready for the next online master class to master cinematic technique. See info below the post. Many of us…
These days, it seems harder and harder to not only carve out time to write but to get a book…
In the novels we write, protagonists often steal the spotlight, but secondary characters—particularly antagonists—can add depth, conflict, and intrigue to…
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