First Pages of Best-Selling Novels: See Me
We’re starting off this new year at Live Write Thrive neck-deep into scene structure. Great scenes seem to flow effortlessly…
We’re starting off this new year at Live Write Thrive neck-deep into scene structure. Great scenes seem to flow effortlessly…
Scene structure seems to be the bane of most novelists and one of the most common causes of novel failure….
Today wraps up our year-long exploration of the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing. We hope you’ve learned a lot of…
Are you scratching your head too? I can’t figure out where the year went. Every year seems to go by…
Sadly, this is my last post for Say What? I’ve run this section on Live Write Thrive for four years…
Today Robin Patchen takes a look at cadence and rhythm as we begin to wrap up attack on Fatal Flaw #12:…
Today’s guest post is by Rose Scott: Without figurative language, writing would be plain and shallow. The more stylistic devices…
Writers sometimes leave out small necessary words when making comparisons. Sometimes sentences look just fine to our eyes at first…
Today editor Christy Distler continues our look at Fatal Flaw #12: Flawed Writing Mechanics. We’ve looked at how novels are structured…
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