Keeping Your Spirits Up Before You Get Published
Writers need continual encouragement. The writing life is no easy road, and the failure or delay in reaching our career…
Writers need continual encouragement. The writing life is no easy road, and the failure or delay in reaching our career…
Last week I began what looked like the beginning of a long list of collocations. but I promise you, I…
Here’s another stationary camera shot you can add to your writers’ toolbox: Angle On. This shot usually occurs in scenes…
Today’s guest post is from freelance writer Ryan Urie, who has left the security of his “real job” behind to…
Collocations. Isn’t that a neat word? It refers to regular pairings of words, and boy, there are many I use incorrectly and have…
As we examine the different stationary camera shots, we want to take a moment to look at the Insert Shot….
Too often novels are just a string of events, with one thing happening after another, mostly plot and little heart….
I discussed last week how we tend to default to “their” when following singular pronouns, which is bad, bad, bad….
In our exploration of using cinematic technique in fiction writing, we began looking at a camera directive called Series of Shots….
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