Numbers and Numerals Count
A few handy rules about numbers and numerals: Don’t put the letter A in front of numeric values. Don’t say,…
A few handy rules about numbers and numerals: Don’t put the letter A in front of numeric values. Don’t say,…
In last weeks’ posts I talked about how you can take an ordinary character and make him fascinating by developing…
Over a number of months I’ll be featuring guest bloggers who’ve had some success with self-publishing, in print and with ebooks. Some…
Okay, this is going to be a short but concise post here. Repeat after me: “The whole comprises the parts…
We’ve been going deep into character these last weeks, and I want to offer you some more ideas for developing…
Over a number of months I’ll be featuring guest bloggers who’ve had some success with self-publishing, in print and with ebooks. Some…
Writers need to know what types of terms are put in italics. Think in terms of relative size. Shorter works…
Leon Surmelian in his book (written forty years ago) Techniques of Fiction Writing, has this to say about creating characters…
Not long ago I read Malcolm Gladwell’s best seller, Outliers, which got me thinking about the long, tedious road to…
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