Show, Don’t Tell: What to Show and What to Tell
Editor Linda Clare continues our examination of Fatal Flaw: # 6 Show, Don’t Tell. Writers often succumb to this fatal flaw of…
Editor Linda Clare continues our examination of Fatal Flaw: # 6 Show, Don’t Tell. Writers often succumb to this fatal flaw of…
Today’s guest post is by authors J. R. Olson and David Bruns: As long as there’s been a military, there have…
If I called you a short story editor, would I be remarking on your height? I would be, if I…
Editor Rachel Starr Thomson dives into our new monthly fatal flaw: # 6 Telling, instead of Showing, Story . Writers often…
Today’s guest post is by Alex Limberg: Everybody has advice on where you can find ideas for your next book…
Some people might consider the distinction between could and would to be only a matter of degree of politeness (would…
We’re wrapping up our look this month into Fatal Flaw #5: POV Violations. And there are many. POV “rules” aren’t hard…
Today’s guest post is by Michael McPherson: Entering writing contests can afford a great opportunity to practice new skills, hone…
Sometimes we think bad people should get what they deserve, but we shouldn’t liken that punishment to eating day-old pastries….
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