Let’s Go Clubbing! – Why Writers Need to Join Clubs
Today’s guest post is by author, teacher, and counselor Karen Gorback: The article in the local newspaper was tiny yet…
Today’s guest post is by author, teacher, and counselor Karen Gorback: The article in the local newspaper was tiny yet…
Whether or not Sherlock Holmes ever said “Elementary, Watson” is debatable. What’s not in question is Holmes’s keen powers of…
This week editor Robin Patchen tackles Fatal Flaw #4—Too Much Backstory. In this month’s posts, we’ve been looking at the pitfalls…
Today’s guest post is by suspense author Erika Mitchell: When I was ten, a family friend took me to Disneyland….
Here are a couple of closely related words that you don’t want to confuse: epitaph and epithet—especially when it comes…
This week editor Christy Distler tackles Fatal Flaw #4—Too Much Backstory. In this month’s posts, we’ve been looking at the…
Today’s post wraps up our extensive series taking a hard look at some of the professions fiction writers might choose…
Sometimes punctuation is a matter of context. Attributive vs. possessive nouns are a case in point. Is the second Sunday…
This week editor Linda Clare tackles Fatal Flaw #4—Too Much Backstory. In this month’s posts, we’re looking at the pitfalls of dumping…
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