Starting Your Scenes with a Bang!
Openings are a science unto themselves, be they openings for an entire book, for a chapter, or for a scene….
Openings are a science unto themselves, be they openings for an entire book, for a chapter, or for a scene….
Repetition. Redundancy. Useless words. All fiction writers fall into the trap of overwriting. We’re lured by the desire to be…
This is a reprint of a post printed seven years ago. If you’re a fiction writer, you need to get…
This post is an excerpt from the book 5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing. Robin Patchen…
Strong pacing and tension are critical in a fictional story, but they’re some of the hardest elements to understand and…
Writing great dialogue is probably the hardest skill fiction writers need to acquire. If you’ve tried your hand at it,…
It’s important for writers to convey the description of setting and characters through the POV character’s eyes and emotions. But…
Pacing and tension aren’t always easy for writers to assess in their scenes. How can you tell if your scene…
One of the reasons readers willingly immerse themselves in a story is to be transported. Whether it’s to another planet,…
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