How Writers Can Trap Sneaky Weasels
This week editor Christy Distler takes on this month’s Fatal Flaw #11 – Pesky Adverbs and Weasel Words. This month…
This week editor Christy Distler takes on this month’s Fatal Flaw #11 – Pesky Adverbs and Weasel Words. This month…
This week editor Linda Clare continues our look at Fatal Flaw #11 – Pesky Adverbs and Weasel Words. This month, our…
This month our editors are taking a hard look at pesky adverbs and “weasel words”—our Fatal Flaw #11. Even a…
Editor Robin Patchen wraps up our look at fatal flaw #10: Description Deficiencies and Excesses (If you’ve missed the other posts…
This month our editors are tackling Fatal Flaw #10 – Description Deficiencies. Too many manuscripts are lacking essential description–of characters,…
Today editor Linda Clare continues our look at Fatal Flaw #10: Description Deficiencies and Excesses. Knowing how, when, and in…
This month our editors are tackling Fatal Flaw #10 – Description Deficiencies. Too many manuscripts are lacking essential description–of characters,…
We’ve been looking at the many ways writers tend to underwrite in their fiction. Choppy narrative that “magically” moves characters…
This month our editors are tackling Fatal Flaw #9—Underwriting. Too often necessary information is left out of a scene, leaving…
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